Congratulations Moses Bliss And His Wife Marie As They Welcome Their First Child Together

The Doing of the Lord: A Beautiful New Beginning

It was a morning bathed in gentle sunlight, the golden glow streaming through the hospital window, illuminating Moses Bliss as he gazed lovingly at his wife, Marie. In her arms, bundled softly in blue blankets, lay their newborn son, their first child—a miracle that filled the room with indescribable joy.

Moses gently brushed a strand of hair from Marie’s forehead, his eyes shimmering with tears of happiness. “Truly, this is the doing of the Lord,” he whispered softly, his voice thick with emotion.

Marie smiled up at him, exhaustion overshadowed by a profound sense of gratitude and wonder. “Yes, Moses, God has been so faithful. This is more beautiful than anything we could have imagined.”

Congratulations Moses Bliss And His Wife Marie As They Welcome Their First  Child Together

Their journey to this moment hadn’t been without challenges. Rumors had swirled for months as Marie stepped back from public events. Friends and fans speculated about her health, some guessed at a possible pregnancy. But Moses and Marie kept the news close, cherishing the sacredness of this special chapter privately. Finally, the day came when Moses could no longer contain his excitement. With his heart overflowing, he shared the good news with the world, posting a beautiful video of their maternity shoot online, accompanied by an announcement that warmed the hearts of thousands:

“This is the doing of the Lord. Our baby boy is finally here.”

Almost immediately, messages flooded in, celebrating the joyous news. Fans, friends, and family alike expressed their heartfelt congratulations. Moses could feel the genuine love and support that surrounded them.

In the days leading up to their son’s birth, Moses had experienced an extraordinary surge of creativity. One quiet evening, as the gentle glow of moonlight spilled across their living room, Moses had sat at the piano, allowing his fingers to move instinctively over the keys. It was in that intimate moment, inspired by the overwhelming goodness of God, that the song came to him—pure and powerful.

Marie had awakened to the soft melody and found Moses at the piano, eyes closed, singing from his heart:

“This is the doing of the Lord,
A miracle beyond my words,
A love I’ve never known before,
This is the doing of the Lord.”

Tears had filled Marie’s eyes as she approached him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered softly into his ear, leaning against him. “It’s our story.”

Days later, Moses found himself sharing that intimate, spiritual moment with Pastor Nathaniel Bassey, never expecting the legendary worship leader would agree to join him on this deeply personal song. But when Pastor Nathaniel heard the heartfelt lyrics and melody, he had immediately said, “Let’s do this. It’s special.”

And so, as Moses held Marie’s hand, feeling the warmth of her fingers intertwined with his, the song debuted to the world—a beautiful testimony to the faithfulness of God. In that quiet hospital room, their love story seemed to deepen even further, strengthened by the tiny miracle sleeping softly between them.

Marie smiled softly, her eyes meeting Moses’s. “Did you ever think, back when we first met, that we’d be here?”

“Not exactly here,” Moses said softly, leaning in to kiss her forehead tenderly. “But I always knew we were meant for something beautiful. This is beyond anything I imagined.”

Marie squeezed his hand gently, her eyes brimming with happy tears. “It truly is the doing of the Lord.”

Together, as a family, they gazed down at their newborn son—proof that dreams were real, miracles happened, and love was always worth the wait. Moses Bliss felt an overwhelming sense of completeness. This wasn’t just the birth of a child; it was the birth of a new chapter filled with love, faith, and boundless possibilities.

As the soft melody of their song played in the background, Moses wrapped his arm around Marie, holding their little family close. This was indeed the doing of the Lord—a perfect love story unfolding one blessed day at a time.

Moses Bliss and Wife Marie Welcome their First Child |

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