I Died & What Jesus Revealed About the Mark of The Beast Will Shock You – Shocking NDE


My name is Erica Marlo, and I never imagined I’d be sharing this story. Yet, what I experienced when I briefly died changed everything. On October 12th, 2023, after finishing a long nursing shift at St. Mary’s Hospital, I was driving home, eager to see my husband and two children. Suddenly, headlights blurred into my vision, and then, darkness.

In an instant, I found myself floating above my lifeless body, observing paramedics frantically working to revive me. A serene peace washed over me, erasing any fear. I felt a powerful force gently pull me upward into a radiant light. Within that brilliance, I heard a voice I recognized deeply: “Erica.” It was Jesus. Though I couldn’t clearly see his face, my soul knew him intimately.

He spoke gently but firmly, “Erica, I’ve brought you here to show you something crucial. Many of my people are sleeping. The coming deception is greater than they realize. You must warn them.”

Instantly, we stood on a city street, eerily similar yet subtly different from today’s world. People effortlessly completed transactions with a wave of their hands, a faint glow under their skin signaling each purchase. “Is this the Mark of the Beast?” I asked hesitantly.

“No,” Jesus explained patiently. “But this precedes it. Observe how deception unfolds.”

Scenes shifted rapidly, revealing technology subtly introduced as a solution—promising safety, health, and convenience. Parents implanted their children to monitor their health and safety. Families felt secure, oblivious to the invisible chains tightening around their freedoms. Churchgoers willingly adopted these implants, convinced they were harmless, just tools of convenience.

“Notice,” Jesus warned, “how the enemy slowly introduces deception wrapped in helpfulness. It appears good and necessary, a disguise so convincing even my people will accept it.”

My heart ached as I witnessed parents, genuinely believing they were protecting their children, unknowingly forfeiting their family’s spiritual autonomy. Gradually, dependence on this technology altered personalities, dampening spiritual sensitivity, independent thought, and genuine emotions.

The vision shifted dramatically. Chaos erupted, prompting a mandated upgrade—presented as a solution to societal breakdowns. Leaders and media promoted it as necessary progress. Yet, as people willingly embraced this “upgrade,” darkness subtly crept into their spirits. Jesus explained, “At first, the change seems minimal. They continue attending church, praying, reading the Bible. But their spiritual connection diminishes, unnoticed until it’s tragically too late.”

Those who resisted faced isolation, ridicule, and hardship—yet spiritually, they shone brilliantly. Refusing the upgrade meant economic hardship and marginalization but also spiritual clarity and resilience. “These,” Jesus said lovingly, “are my faithful ones, illuminated by my Spirit in the darkness.”

“How can people prepare?” I pleaded.

Near Death Experience? - Believer.com

Jesus responded with urgency: “Strengthen your relationship with me now. Study my word diligently. Know my voice so intimately that you recognize anything foreign. Beware when technology offers improvement beyond how I created you, and when convenience becomes mandatory.”

In the darkness, a comforting vision emerged. Believers refusing the mark experienced supernatural protection and provision, their faith unwavering amidst trials. They embodied the promise, “I have overcome the world.”

Suddenly, I felt myself returning. Jesus gently reminded, “What you’ve seen is enough. Share it faithfully.”

Now, six months later, I carefully approach technology, mindful of Jesus’s warnings. My message is clear: The mark won’t appear overtly evil but rather disguised as beneficial progress. Stay spiritually vigilant, cling tightly to Jesus, and you won’t be deceived. Remember His promise: “I have overcome the world.”