Tempers flare as a contentious moment erupts on the court, resulting in a flurry of technical fouls.

The tension builds after a missed shot leads to a jump ball, with Lauren Bailey and Barry vying for possession.

As the players grapple for control, emotions run high, and a shove between Michaela Thunderberg and Kennedy Jackson ignites the situation.

The altercation escalates as Kiki Nicholls attempts to intervene but is held back by Madison Adamson.

With both teams rushing to their respective benches, the referees step in to assess the situation.

😲 TEMPERS FLARE, 5 TECHNICALS When Shove Happens After Jump Ball Is Called - YouTube

Upon review, it becomes evident that the initial contact from Barry, while attempting to secure the rebound, was unnecessary and sparked the confrontation.

The referees identify Lauren Bailey’s attempt to reach for the ball as the catalyst for the altercation.

As tensions continue to simmer, the officials issue three technical fouls against Gardner Webb and two against Charleston Southern.

Consequently, Charleston Southern is awarded two technical free throws, signaling a pivotal moment in the game’s intensity.