50 Cent has reportedly been named in a criminal battery case after the rapper was caught on film angrily throwing a broken microphone into the crowd at his concert and hitting a woman in the head. In footage obtained by TMZ, the “In Da Club” rapper can be seen growing frustrated after being handed several broken mics throughout his performance at the Crypto.com arena in Los Angeles Wednesday, prompting him to take the mic and hurl it into the crowd.
While video doesn’t capture where the microphone landed, Power 106 radio host Bryhana Monegain claims she was hit right in the forehead with it, giving her a gruesome head wound. In photos of Monegain’s wound, you can see the laceration on her forehead and a bloody towel wrapped around her neck after she was taken to the hospital to be treated.
Monegain filed a police report Wednesday, according to TMZ, in which 50 Cent has been named a criminal battery suspect, alleging that the rapper looked right at her before chucking the microphone. The “21 Questions” rapper has not publicly commented on the incident, but a source close to him told TMZ that Monegain wasn’t meant to be in the restricted section, despite that having an unclear effect on 50 Cent’s decision to throw the microphone into the crowd.
The Power star isn’t the only artist to find themselves in trouble after throwing a microphone into the crowd. Cardi B faced a similar situation in July after she hurled her mic at a fan who threw their drink at her while she was performing in Las Vegas. The microphone bounced and ultimately hit another person in the crowd, which prompted the victim to file a police report against the “WAP” rapper. Ultimately, Cardi B was cleared by police.
50 Cent is currently performing on his Final Lap Tour, which kicked off on July 21 in Salt Lake City. The European leg of the tour is scheduled to kick off on Sept. 28 in Amsterdam and will travel to Dublin, London, and Mumbai before wrapping up in Auckland, New Zealand on Dec. 14. The “Window Shopper” rapper has been performing many of his classic hits on the tour, and has been joined by guests like Busta Rhymes and Jeremih.
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